
Thanks for your interest in We Are the 15 Percent!

There are a few quick steps to sending-in your photograph for consideration:

  • Currently, we’re only publishing American interracial families and marriages, because “the 15%” refers to a US Census statistic
  • Find your largest, highest-quality (in-focus, and in good light) photograph, as a jpg file
  • Make sure it’s a great representation of your family, or marriage
  • Please put your email address in the filename of your photograph. Your jpg file would be named something like this:
  • In an email, please list the names of the people in the picture from left to right. Please include the name of the city & state in which you live
  • Attach your jpg to the email with your notes about the picture and send it to
  • We can’t promise to reply to your email or that we’ll publish your photo, but we can promise to reply to everyone whose photo is queued to be published, and we’ll let them know exactly when it will appear on the site

Our goal is to adhere to the spirit of the 15% as closely as possible. According to the 2008 US Census, 15% of new marriages are interracial. If you have a photograph that adheres to the spirit of this statistic, by all means, send it in!

(Fine print you don’t have to read unless you really like the nitty gritty details): 900 pixels wide or tall works really well for a size. If you were married in the States but currently live abroad, please feel free to send in your photo. Yes, we’ll publish vintage photos, even if they were taken before the 2008 Census. Please don’t send a screenshot of a picture that lives on your phone or iPad, send the actual picture from your phone or iPad. Please avoid sending photos with large watermarks. If you have an anniversary coming up, please let us know!)