A year ago today, we had an idea to create a website that reflected the changing face of the American family. Inspired by the backlash against the 1st Cheerios ad, we thought we’d post our own family photo, invite a few friends to join-in, and see what happened.

What’s transpired in the last 12 months has been humbling and extraordinary. There’s a lot that can be said about what We Are the 15 Percent means to us, but it distills to this: it’s a true joy to be able to spread a bit of happiness into the world nearly every day. It’s a small thing, but it feels vital & important, and over time, what started small has accrued into something much larger than we could have ever imagined.

And it’s because of you. Not the treacly, cliche, “it’s all because of you”, you. YOU. You who just sent-in an updated photo because your family had a new addition last week. You who sent your photo in last July and are patiently waiting to see it on the site. You, who (like Michael’s mom) looks at the site every day to see families that remind her of her son & daughter-in-law’s.

We feel like the project is still at the beginning. Your support, interest, and enthusiasm has fueled us to consider what “year two” might look like. We have plans, and we can’t wait to share them with you.

Tonight, after getting home from work – we took a selfie (it’s 2014 still, right?) and thought we’d update our own picture from last June.

Thank you for your trust, your kindness, and for sharing a part of yourselves with us (and by extension, the world).

Here’s to everything that’s next!

Michael & Alyson, Atlanta, GA 2014.06.04
